The POI database can be be downloaded for a small fee.

Supported devices

  • Opel

You are not sure if your navigation device is supported?
Please contact the technical support before making a payment for SCDB. Refund excluded.

This database supports only Opel Navi 900. With Opel Navi 900 IntelliLink and Opel Navi 950 IntelliLink is not a speed camera warning possible.

*Opel Navi 600: Audible alerts/myPOIs announcements are unavailable because of technical reasons.

Available countries

  • Make your choice from all countries worldwide.
  • Display All Countries

    • Afghanistan
    • Algeria
    • Andorra
    • Argentina
    • Armenia
    • Australia
    • Austria
    • Azerbaijan
    • Bahrain
    • Belarus
    • Belgium
    • Belize
    • Bosnia and Herzegovina
    • Brazil
    • Bulgaria
    • Canada
    • Chile
    • Colombia
    • Croatia
    • Cyprus
    • Czech Republic
    • Denmark
    • Ecuador
    • Egypt
    • Estonia
    • Fiji
    • Finland
    • France
    • Georgia
    • Germany
    • Gibraltar
    • Greece
    • Guatemala
    • Honduras
    • Hong Kong
    • Hungary
    • Iceland
    • India
    • Iran
    • Iraq
    • Ireland
    • Israel
    • Italy
    • Japan
    • Jordan
    • Kazakhstan
    • Kuwait
    • Kyrgyzstan
    • Lao People's Democratic Republic
    • Latvia
    • Lebanon
    • Liechtenstein
    • Lithuania
    • Luxembourg
    • Macao
    • Malaysia
    • Malta
    • Mauritius
    • Mexico
    • Moldova
    • Mongolia
    • Morocco
    • Namibia
    • Netherlands
    • New Zealand
    • North Macedonia
    • Norway
    • Oman
    • Pakistan
    • Panama
    • Paraguay
    • Peru
    • Philippines
    • Poland
    • Portugal
    • Qatar
    • Romania
    • Russian Federation
    • Rwanda
    • Réunion
    • San Marino
    • Saudi Arabia
    • Serbia
    • Singapore
    • Slovakia
    • Slovenia
    • South Africa
    • South Korea
    • Spain
    • Sweden
    • Switzerland
    • Taiwan
    • Thailand
    • Trinidad and Tobago
    • Tunisia
    • Turkey
    • Ukraine
    • United Arab Emirates
    • United Kingdom
    • United States
    • Uruguay
    • Uzbekistan
    • Vietnam
    • Zambia
    • Zimbabwe


We update our database on a daily basis. With each download you will be provided with the latest available speedcam data. You're free to choose how often you want to update your data, however, we recommend monthly updates.


Follow all steps of the detailed installation guide for Opel Navi 600 & Navi 900

Screens & Photos

Fixed Speed Cameras

The POI database can be be downloaded for a small fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How are the speed cameras displayed on the map? → Answer
2. Is there an acoustic warning? → Answer
3. How large is the speed camera data file? → Answer
4. How often are the data updated? → Answer
5. Do I have to delete the old data in the device before each update? → Answer
6. What types of speed cameras are included in the database? → Answer
7. Why are some speed cameras duplicated? → Answer

1. How are the speed cameras displayed on the map?

The speed traps are displayed on the map with a predefined icon. Unfortunately, it is not possible to add your own icons.

2. Is there an acoustic warning?

Yes. In the device settings of the Opel Navi 900, an acoustic warning tone can be set under the item "myPOIs announcements".

Opel Navi 600 is only able to dispaly a visual alert on the map. A zoom level smaller than 500m is mandatory. Acoustic warnings/myPOIs announcements are technically not possible with Opel Navi 600.

3. How large is the speed camera data file?

The file size depends on which countries you select before downloading. With the selection "All countries worldwide" the file size is currently less than 3 MB.

4. How often are the data updated?

We are updating the database almost every day. Therefore, the download for this Opel Navi 600 and Navi 900 is also updated on a daily basis. This means you will always get the latest version when downloading the database from our website. You can download the database with a valid payment as often as you want within a year (365 days). We recommend that you download at least once a month and update the speed camera data in your navigation device.

5. Do I have to delete the old data in the device before each update?

No. When updating the speed camera data, older data in the device is automatically overwritten by the new database file because both files have the same file name.

6. What types of speed cameras are included in the database?

The speed camera database covers all fixed (stationary) speed camera types such as speed cameras, redlight cameras, section controls, redlight cameras combined with speed monitoring, cameras in tunnels and driveway controls.

7. Why are some speed cameras duplicated?

The software of the Opel devices can only generate warnings for speed cameras from a specified direction. But there are speed cameras that are rotatable or can also flash vehicles from two directions. In order to generate a warning for these types of speed cameras as well, we have added these speed cameras twice in the speed camera file and given them corresponding direction angles. This way the device software can generate warnings for multiple directions.

Good Reasons for - Speed Camera DataBase