The POI database can be be downloaded for a small fee.

Supported devices

  • Handys und Smartphones mit

  • Asus

  • HTC

  • LG

  • O2

  • Samsung

GPS is required for SpeeedLimit. If GPS isn't inbuilt, you should use an external GPS receiver.

You need for comprehensive warnings: the software SpeedLimit 1.2.5 (for free) and the latest database for SpeedLimit 1.2.5 (fee required)


Installation guide

You need for comprehensive warnings:

  • the software SpeedLimit 1.2.5 (for free)

  • and

  • the latest database for SpeedLimit 1.2.5 (fee required)

Follow all steps of the detailed installation guide for SpeedLimit für Windows Mobile

Screens & Photos

Fixed Speed Cameras

The POI database can be be downloaded for a small fee.

Good Reasons for - Speed Camera DataBase