This database for Alpine covers all countries worldwide. However, it is not possible to select individual countries. The download is a file containing all countries.
Attention: Speedcams may not be visible in Switzerland, France and border areas. Because your navigation device is based on iGO software from the manufacturer NNG. In some versions of iGO, the manufacturer blocks speed camera datas in individual countries (e.g. Switzerland, France and border areas).
When you’re driving in the UK, the navigation might show wrong speed values. For example, the navigation alert comes on wrongly as 19mph (instead of correct value of 30mph). This issue comes from the NNG software inside of the Alpine unit.
The speed limit values in our database are always unitless (e.g. speedcam_30). That means:
A speedcam in London has to appear as 30mph.
A speedcam in Paris has to appear as 30kmh.
Our database covers the correct speed values. The database file also contains the correct values.
Nevertheless, the device software transforms these values when you’re inside the UK. We don’t have any idea why the software does this. Unfortunately, it is beyond our control to change this. We have made many attemps with many customers – without success.
However, you can rely on the fact that each and every speedcam that is shown on our Speed Camera Map will also appear as a warning on your device. Please keep an eye out for the correct value while on the road.