Installation Guide

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  1. Before you start to download the plugin choose all the countries you want. Then push the Download button and save the file to a folder at your hard disk.

  2. In our example we saved the file to the folder “C:/temp”.

  3. Unpack the plugin with any program (like WINZIP or WINRAR) you like to a folder of your choice. We choose "C:/temp/tomtom" for our example.

  4. The folder “C:/temp/tomtom” now contains two files as *.bmp and *.ov2.

  5. Connect your TomTom (from firmware 10.110 or higher) to your PC and start MyDrive (previously MyTomTom) from the shortcut in the tray (right down corner). Choose “Add community content”.

  6. The MyDrive/MyTomTom window in your browser starts now. Insert the *.ov2 and the *.bmp files to the empty line (“browse and install”).

  7. The files are now copied to your Tomtom. Now the most difficult work is done! You just need to activate your new POIs.

  8. Deactivate the TomTom Live Services (Main menu > Services > Speedcams).

  9. In TomTom Menu Main/Settings/POI settings/warn when approaching a POI choose the SCDB speedcams. Choose the distance and the sound for your warning.

  10. We do not recommend to activate “only warn when POI is on your route”.

    Our speed camera database works with an accuracy of +/- 20m. Therefore it is possible that the TomTom NAVIGATOR won't recognise a speed camera because the program would assume that the speed camera is on the other side of the road due to a slight deviation. In addition there are also many speed cameras that are on the left side of the road but work in both directions or can be swivelled. Therefore, please don't activate this item and all speed cameras will be included in the warnings!

Good Reasons for - Speed Camera DataBase